Munchkin Ballerina

(Kennedy-J., 2022)

DIP EM 30" 2.75" DOR
Nocturnal, Extended
4 branches, 24 buds

Golden yellow with dark red triangular eye and tight ruffles above tiny green throat, forked pattern on sepals.

Pod and pollen fertile.

(Mayor of Munchkinland x Pat's Promis)

The tightly ruffled petals and sepals on 'Munchkin Ballerina' come from its pollen parent 'Pat's Promise', and the red eye is straight from the 'Mayor of Munchkinland'. It frequently has 4 blooms open on a single scape. It has nocturnal and extended bloom habit and will occasionally rebloom. As shown in the picture below taken at 8 pm, blooms for the next day are starting to open with the current day's blooms just starting to fade.

$50 DF (Held for Increase)

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Munchkin Ballerina

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